John Harris – Simon Cameron Mansion
Classic Things Done Framed frames taken at the John Harris – Simon Cameron Mansion in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
Classic Things Done Framed frames taken at the John Harris – Simon Cameron Mansion in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
Sometimes things look better with a soft blur. And sometimes things are just blurry.
I’m quite certain I could have hobbled together some quotes about the beauty of struggle. Something like, only in darkness can you see your light, or only through struggle can you find your strength.
Two announcements. First, at the request of a very patient follower, or fan, or whatever you want to call someone who respects my photography, I am in the process of turning this image into a print.
A couple of months ago friend of mine asked if I would be interested in hanging some photographs in his business. He owns a local legend of an establishment here in Harrisburg, Pa and it would be an honor to see some of my work on its walls. But until everything is official and photographs are hanging, we shall keep its name in obscurity’s selective shadow.
After going through some of the more recent photographs I’ve made, I realized that I have been shooting from inside the car a whole bunch. Normally I’m not a fan of car shooting. The dirty windows. The unexpected bumps. But apparently I have strayed from that belief, at least momentarily.
I am no stranger to the clamorous crows that frequent Harrisburg in the winter months of the year, but I have never seen this many crows, this close, ever. Hell, I have never seen this many birds together at once, period. I don’t even want to venture with a number, but they were plentiful. If you’re on a desktop, be sure to click on each image to get a better look at their numbers.
One of the reasons I wanted a full frame camera was their ability to shoot in low light situations versus their crop sensor counterparts. Not that the modern crop sensors aren’t great, but the full frame sensors have size on their side. The a6000 and a7ii both shoot at 24mp, but the noise on the a7ii is noticeably less because the extra space of the sensor allows the pixels to “breath”.