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Tag: A Series of Things

The Tetons

Between Yellowstone National Park and Jackson Hole, Wyoming sits one

Geothermal Yellowstone

Photos from Yellowstone National Park of the geothermal features. Old Faithful and more.

Medicine Bow National Forest

About an hour and half after leaving Estes Park we crossed the Colorado and Wyoming state line driving north on rte. 287. We didn’t know exactly where we were headed, but we were making our way to somewhere in Medicine Bow National Forest.

ASOT 00003 – Ranger East

An almost 10 year old, 2000 mile road trip from Denver, CO to Harrisburg, PA via the Rocky Mountains and the American West.

Dat Old House

Photographed in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania. April 2019

No Banks

Two things that will always remind me of my childhood, basketball hoops and minivans.

Just Off Main

While I can appreciate the facades of commercial buildings, the time, energy and thought put into them can be quite incredible, I am drawn to the authenticity of residential dwellings.