Shit! I said I was gonna be done with the series, and here I am, two series in two days. Recently, earlier today actually, I was at the Park City Mall in Lancaster County looking for some shoes for my brother to wear to his wedding in September. Two dope things happened today. He actually found a pair of shoes, which is no small feat considering what the pass off as men’s fashion in these parts, and I found a couple of different scenes that caught my eye.
Speaking of which, what do you think of me sharing scenes in a series? Do you think it gets too redundant, or do you, like me, find value in seeing the same thing from multiple angles? My biggest focus within each series is keeping the angles fresh and the color consistent. Unless of course the series doesn’t call for those things, then it’s whatever. But honestly, think doing the series has really helped to develop my eye, specifically with nuance.
Photographed in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. 2019