As I mentioned before, we pulled into Estes Park with only a few hours of daylight left. Our intention was to explore the area surrounding the town in search of an easy place to bed down for the night. We were tent camping, so we needed to find somewhere flat. Admittedly we didn’t do much, read any, research into Estes Park and the land that surrounds it. Aside from being in the Rockies and sitting near the entrance to Rocky Mountain National Park, we knew nothing about the town.
These photos were taken during a break while looking for a camp spot. We pulled over to gather our bearings and were greeted with these views. Almost unbelievably, I didn’t capture any other photos while we were in Estes Park. I must have been seriously overwhelmed by the sheer size and scale of the Rockies to not snap any other photos. Just one of dem tings, I guess.
Estes Park is definitely a mountain town I can see myself going back to. In hindsight I wish we would have spent a bit more time exploring it and the surrounding hills. But when the call of the road is strong, you don’t ignore it, you go, and we went.
Photographs appear in A Series of Things 00003 – Ranger East.